Contact Chad:
chad howard-
senior pastor
Chad has been in ministry for over 18 years, serving as both a pastor and church planter in churches in South Carolina and Pennsylvania. He most recently served as a church-planting missionary with the North American Mission Board, of the Southern Baptist Convention, in Lewistown, PA. Chad and his family relocated from Pennsylvania to South Carolina in September of 2019 and he started at Living Way on October 6, 2019. Chad is married to Tiffani and they have four children and one grandchild. He says, “I am honored to be serving the great people of LWCC and to have the opportunity to share the Gospel to the people of Greer and surrounding areas.”
Contact Justin:
Originally from Florida, Justin has lived in South Carolina for the last 14 years. Justin served in the youth ministry at LWCC as the teen youth leader for several years before being called into pastoral ministry. Along with being ordained in March of 2023, he is currently studying through Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Justin is married to his wife, Ashley, and they have two children, Josh and Mackenzie.
Contact Amanda:
amanda HAYNES -
administrative assistant
Amanda has been a member at Living Way since 2007. Through the years she has served in media, presentation, sound, and various administrative tasks. She joined our staff in 2015 after our long-time Administrative Assistant moved and handles our office responsibilities, social media and website, and event planning. She has a communications degree from North Greenville University. Amanda is married to Seth Haynes, LWCC’s Youth Leader.
Contact Carrie:
Carrie Boyer -
Music Leader
Carrie has been a member of Living Way since 2008 and served in our praise band/music ministry for many years. She started leading interimly in May 2015 and after a year or so, we just stopped saying "interim." Carrie leads from the keyboard. She is married to Jim and they have two children, Sarah and Connor.