All of our volunteers have been background checked and are equipped and ready to work with children. We have age-appropriate classrooms and teachers, and look forward to teaching our kids each week on a level that they will understand. We love sending kids home each week with a new verse that they have mastered, a new concept that they have grasped, or a new story that they will love to tell you all about when you pick them up!
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
Nursery: birth - 2 years
Our nursery volunteers choose specifically to serve in this ministry area because of their love for children. From infants to toddlers, our volunteers share the love of Jesus by rocking, feeding, singing and reading to our little ones. Our worship service is streamed into the nursery for all volunteers.
elementary age: 3-8 years
Once children turn 3, they graduate from our nursery and move into elementary. In this class, we aim to build a strong foundation on which faith in Jesus can be based. We use The Gospel Project’s curriculum.
Youth: 9 years - 12th Grade
Youth attend our normal worship service with all of our adults on Sunday mornings at 10:30. Our youth meet on Wednesday nights at 7pm for teaching and worship geared directly toward teenagers. We use Ministry to Youth’s curriculum with this age group, which tackles tough issues that children and teenagers experience daily and equips them with Biblical tools to grow in Christ.