
Living Way Community Church is a community style church in the Greer / Blue Ridge, SC area.  Our worship service consists of contemporary worship, led by a praise band, relevant teaching, a welcoming congregation, and kid-friendly childcare and classes. 



what to expect

While our methods may be modern/contemporary, our message is the same that has been proclaimed through time. Sin separates us from God, but as our loving Father, God created a way (through Jesus) for us to be restored.  We meet Sundays at 10:30 and Wednesdays at 7:00.  Join us as we learn who God is, what God wants, and how God works! 

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Find your place

Whether you have only been attending Living Way for a few weeks, or you've been here for years, we would love for you to join a small group. Our small groups meet on a regular basis, and we quickly form life-long friendships as we grow closer to Jesus together. Click below to to find a group for you! 

Browse Small Group Opportunities→

Living Way Community Church
3239 North Highway 101
Greer, SC 29651

Sundays: 10:30 am
Wednesdays: 7:00 pm